March 2020

What I am doing in the Garden March 2020
Weather has been cool so not rushing to plant outside.

  • This Friday planting my new starts – tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, ground cherries and tomatillos.
  • Onions and leeks up well in house, also ginger.
  • Making sure all the areas in the garden have manure and lime. Some were left out in the fall because they have vegetables we were eating.
  • Merv will start replacing two more of the current beds with roofing metal beds as the wood is rotting.  Also replacing sprinkler watering with drip hoses every foot as the beds are replaced.
  • Will plant some of the carrots, beets, kale, chard, parsnips, cabbage and kohlrabi soon.
  • Will plant lettuce, some Chinese greens, zinnias, marigolds and alyssum in the green house and see if they will get going even though it is cool.
  • Planting pink and white dandelions for salads.

Posted in Linda's Garden Chat